A fold crossing is the place where two cutaneous folds meet.
You can find thousands of them all over your body.
Fold crossings start out as simple skin deformations, but they keep on growing and deepening all your life.
Fold crossings have several consequences, but the two main ones are:
• Pain; most of the pain you feel comes from fold crossings,
• Skin defects and disorders; visible aesthetic deteriorations.
First, let’s separate the two folds of the crossing and call them; Fold A and Fold B.
Very early in your life, Fold A and Fold B started meeting when you would do a particular movement.
At first, they probably did not meet at the exact same place every time.
With time, the path of each fold has etched itself into your skin, under the action of the skin's wound healing process.
The location of their crossing point has become fixed.
Once a crossing point is fixed in one location on your body, it becomes an anchor.
Any tension in the neighboring skin is relayed to the fold crossing.
A single road is quite rare on this planet.
A road will eventually connect with another one at some point, creating a road crossing.
We all know how much more action there is at the crossings than elsewhere on the roads.
Once the two folds become permanently engraved in the skin, their walls crash into each other at their intersection every time you do the same movement.
At the crossing point, the skin is badly and continuously deformed.
All this action generates heat.
The heat is a signal for your skin that it is being mistreated and that it may not be able to resist, if the damaging action doesn't stop.
Fresh epidermis cells, triggered by the skin's wound healing process, will come to the rescue of the poor crossing in order to prevent breakage or puncture.
One by one, coats of protective epidermis cells cover the crossing's center.
The newly added cells solidify the skin of this mistreated region, but lock the crossing into place even more.
Over 95% of your fold crossing cannot be seen, along with the folds that generate them.
Since the folds and crossings are made of epidermis, and that they get filled with epidermis cells to protect the skin; they cannot be observed easily.
It's epidermis over epidermis.
However, you can see a few of them in some places, such as the palm of your hands and feet and your face.
Normally, only problematic fold crossings will catch your attention.
The four corners of the fold crossing almost completely encase its center.
But, there remains a void.
With time, this structure solidifies, developing into a tunnel made of skin.
The top of the fold crossing may get covered with coats of epidermis cells; there still remains a cavity.
Since folds A and B are already grooves, not mounds, the fold crossing is a hole.
As they evolve and fixate, fold crossings grow deeper and deeper below the surface of your skin.
The tension on the chimney, in the center of the fold crossing, keeps on increasing with time.
The bottom of the crossing becomes riveted to whatever is beneath it.
The tension and grip from your thousands of fold crossings, on whatever lies beneath them, augments continuously.
The consequence is that your skin becomes tightly fastened to your body.
It's as if your skin was shrinking on you.
The top opening of a fold crossing tunnel normally stays open.
When this is the case, the larger ones may be noticed as holes and cavities.
However, the wound healing process often forms a cap that closes the top of the crossing.
When this happens, the outgrowth can keep on developing and become esthetically displeasing.
But the real problem comes from the entrapped bodily wastes that remain locked-up inside the tunnel.
The folds of a crossing often cross each other perpendicularly.
Since your most fundamental folds are vertical and horizontal, their intersections are straight.
But, your actions, positions and expressions distort the folds and creates all kinds of new local folds that are often diagonal.
So, the shape of the fold crossings you'll find on your body is of your own making and you'll discover all kinds of configurations.
Your skin’s natural horizontal and vertical folding tendency ends up creating a grid of folds and crossings all over your body.
Please note that the folds are not equally spaced like in the illustration.
In reality, the grid is variably spaced, adding more folds (sometimes diagonal) between existing ones as needed.
A fold crossing is always under tension.
It's like being in the center of a four-way tug-a-war.
In many cases, the tension becomes so great that pain arises.
When you're inactive, the tension on your fold crossings may be equal on all four sides.
But, when you move, your actions pull on the skin and consequently on the folds and their crossings.
The nearest fold crossings are destabilized by the tug coming from one direction.
In some situations, pain may appear.
The tension on one crossing is relayed to all the crossings in its vicinity, but mostly on the adjoining crossings on the same fold.
The grid of fold crossings has several disadvantages;
•It greatly reduces the skin's flexibility and elasticity.
•On the face, expressiveness and beauty are diminished.
•It interconnects problem areas.
•Doing one movement now affects regions further and further away.
Because the size of your body has increased since your youth, the grid has tightened.
It is deepening into your flesh.
With time, the folds and crossings multiply, enlarge and squeeze your skin still more.
This reduces your capacity to move, and makes anything you do more painful as you get older.