Skin abrasives and exfoliation; a new natural approach
Humans are naturally equipped with the best tools
Human grooming lets you use your nails and fingertips to remove the dead cells from the surface of your skin.
The following video will get you started:
Human grooming rediscovered - Video |
Superficial grooming techniques are the only really natural way to exfoliate your skin.
Instead of using inert objects and compounds, you use your super-sensitive living nails and fingertips.
You want exfoliation? Try using your nails
While grooming, you can continuously monitor the skin tension and apply pressure only where it has thickened or folded.
Use superficial grooming techniques in areas where your skin is thin and switch to pressure grooming strokes where it is thicker.
You remove so many dead cells, when you pass your nails on your skin, that the space beneath the tip of the nails fills up quickly.
At some point, their presence hinders your grooming work.
Keep your fingers and nails clean.
Only your nails will do
Only your nails have the sensibility and the delicacy to feel where your skin is thin and fragile and where it really needs exfoliation.
Abrasives, masks and chemicals can't make the distinction between folded and unfolded, thick and thin skin.
In some places, exfoliating it may be unnecessary.
Areas where your skin is healthy may easily be hurt by your harsh methods and powerful products.
Scraping the skin, elsewhere than where it has thickened, can bring blood rushing to the surface and damage the skin.
Only your nails can do the job properly.
Why is exfoliation needed?
Your skin's epidermis produces fresh skin cells every day.
They are pushed up by the arrival of newer cells, and they slowly dry up on their 30 day journey to the top of the skin.
When they reach it, they are dead and supposed to flake off by themselves in a process called desquamation.
It's amazing, but it doesn't work perfectly.
Unfortunately, the procedure often doesn't reach its completion in some areas of the body; so dead cells cling on and pile up, thickening your skin.
Dead cells look dull, lackluster and unresponsive.
They make you ugly.
The origins of skin exfoliation
Encyclopedias tell us
that the Egyptians invented this practice, three to four thousand years ago.
Since then, three methods have mainly been used to exfoliate the skin:
• Stones
• Brushes
• Gloves
• Abrasive soaps
• Micro-dermabrasion
• Dermabrasion
• Lasers
• Chemical masks
• Oatmeal
• Yogurt
• Lemon
• Cucumbers
• Wine and grapes
• Chemical gels
• Creams and lotions
• Peelings
You can't see how thick your skin is
From above, your skin may look perfectly uniform and flat.
However, its actual thickness varies tremendously.
What you see | Actual skin thickness |
Whatever its thickness, skin looks the same.
However, the thicker it gets, the more exfoliation it needs.
The return of an ancestral behavior
If modern exfoliation techniques are 3 to 4 thousand years old, grooming can be traced back to the first humans, 7 million years ago, and to the first primates, about 50 million years back.
Yes, we've stopped grooming at some point in our past, but we're back at work now.
Needless to say, you will get much better results, and for free, by grooming your skin every day, than by using contraptions and magical potions invented by people who don't even understand that the skin is folded.
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