Loss of sensation, insensitivity and hypersensibility of the skin; how cutaneous folds affect your nervous system

The only way to cure your neuropathy is to manually free the nerves in the locations where their transmission is reduced or cut.

Your nerves get folded by your skin

Protected versus exposed nerve locations

Many nerves are folded along with the skin every time you flex your articulations.

Nerves are well protected inside the spinal cord and inside the skull, but they become exposed and vulnerable in several places along their long paths toward the brain.

The sciatic nerve, in yellow, gets folded every time you flex your hip, knee or ankle joints. Notice how it's exposed and unprotected in some areas.

Your nerves are mainly left unprotected when they pass through any articulation on your body.
Some nerves have to travel through several articulations before they reach your head.
When an articulation is flexed, the nerves get folded along with the skin and blood vessels.
But, with time, the cutaneous folds that surround the articulation become permanent.
These folds compress and curb the skin, along with the nerves beneath them.
They continuously strangle the nerves.
The nervous signal's path is bent resulting in a loss of perception that worsens with time.
As the folds deepen with age, they can totally block the passage of nervous impulses.


In some places, the folds in the skin have an inverse effect on the nervous system.
They increase the sensitivity.
In some locations, this rise in perception can lead to an unbearable, continuous itch-like feeling.
• Techniques to cure your hypersensibility.

Folded nerves and insensitivity

Radiculopathy, also commonly referred to as "pinched nerve", refers to a set of conditions in which one or more nerves are affected and do not work properly (a neuropathy). This can result in pain, weakness, numbness, or difficulty controlling specific muscles.
Source: Wikipedia
The free encyclopedia

Neurons are like small wires going from tiny sensors in your skin up to your brain.
If their route is contorted, the signal will be affected.
A fold in the skin mechanically bends and crumples the nerves it crosses in a manner similar to folding a wire.

Folded nerves are like folded electrical wires
This is what happens to your nerves every time you flex an articulation.

Transmission may not be affected at first but, as the folds become permanent, the signal is weakened.

Loss of nervous transmission where the skin is folded
Loss of nervous transmission where the skin is folded.

As the folding increases, the sensitivity diminishes and can provoke complete insensibility.

Central nervous system
The nerves are shielded in some areas, but they are exposed and bendable in many places, mainly at the articulations.

Main folded nerve locations

Where are the nerves vulnerable?

There are three main locations where nerve folding can occur:
1• In the neck, shoulder and back area,
2• At the major member junctions,
3• Local insensitivity anywhere on the body.

1• Folded nerves in the neck, shoulder and back area

The body cut off from the brain

If you have any kind of nervous disorder or some insensibility, you can't ignore the presence of folds in your neck and shoulder area.

Grooming the skin of the neck proves that "pinched nerves" can be caused by folds in the skin.
The pinched nerves cause many nervous disorders, from insensibility to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, but grooming the skin can free them.
The place where nerves are the most vulnerable to folding is the neck and shoulder area.
Several nerves run through your neck.
Some are better shielded from external pressures, but many pass near the surface.

Brachial plexus - Wikipedia
© Henry Gray
The brachial plexus nerves (in yellow) relay sensations from the chest, shoulder, arm and hand. They pass very near the surface.

Each nerve travels from a specific part of your body to your brain.
However, when they go through your neck, they are susceptible to being bent, compressed or pinched by the folds in the skin.
With time, some nerves become so crippled that they lose their effectiveness.
When the strength of the signals they transmit is diminished, you slowly lose contact with some body parts or functions.

Gray-Neck nerves
The vagus nerve (in yellow) controls the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. It's vulnerable in some areas.

Visible and invisible folds in the neck/shoulder area

The neck/shoulder area is very susceptible to folding because of the weight of the head, the length of the neck and all the movements and rotations it's subjected to.
Every time you turn your head, large visible folds are formed in the skin of your neck.
These folds dig deeply into what is beneath the skin.
Nerves, blood vessels, muscles, ... get compressed and flattened.

Folds in the neck
Simply turning your head to the side creates many large folds. What happens if you hold this position often and for long periods?

However, the folds aren't always visible.
When a neck movement or position is frequently used, permanent folds form in the skin and most of those are not visible.
They are feel-able, with your nails and fingertips.

Yet, the skin is very folded.
Folds in the neck/shoulder area
Press your nails on your spine in this area to find out how the skin has inter-weaved itself into the mechanism and is now attached to the bones.

Because the skin of your neck/shoulder region is the center of continuous movement and activity, even while you sleep, many permanent folds are now in place.
They bind the skin to what is beneath it.
Their hold on the nerves, blood vessels and muscles continuously tightens as you age.
These folds can have a very disabling effect on some people.
Symptoms may start with occasional periods of light insensitivity, but may lead to almost complete paralysis, often accompanied by involuntary nervous shaking or gestures.

Spinal cord compression caused by cutaneous folds

Your skin has entangled itself into your vertebral column.
You only have to pass your fingertips or your nails on the middle of your back to verify that the skin is totally bound and folded into every detail of the bones of your vertebral column.

Fold on the vertebral column
Observe how the skin has fastened itself to the vertebral column.
Any movement of the arms or back will pull on the column.
If the skin of this back contains bumps and holes, it's because it's folded and attached to the ribs and vertebral column.

Spinal cord compression occurs when a vertebra puts some pressure on the nervous tissue.
This pressure on the spinal cord causes the nerves in the cord to swell and it slows down or blocks their blood supply.
The usual causes include fractures, tumors, abscesses, ruptures and lesions.
You can add folds in the skin to the list, because the skin has entangled itself in the vertebral column.
Repeated movements involving the neck and arms create very deep folds that tug heavily on the vertebrae they're attached to.
The pressure they exert pulls on the vertebrae and restricts their movements.
This tension finally pushes the bone of the vertebrae into the spinal cord, compressing it.
Spinal cord compression affects large parts of the body.
The symptoms start with occasional decreased sensations, but can end up with partial or total paralysis of limbs below the level of compression.
Groom the location to free the skin from the spine.
Pain is usually present, so let it guide you to the places where the skin is attached.

Vertigo caused by a fold in the back of the head

Vertigo is a problem of the inner ear that affects your perception of gravity and your equilibrium.
You become dizzy and you feel as if everything is spinning or swaying around you.
This condition usually comes and goes, but it has a very debilitating effect on the person who suffers from it.
Vertigo is caused by the growth of a horizontal fold that goes all around your head.
It passes in the middle of your nose, but the part of this fold that causes the biggest problem is in the back of the head.

Fold responsible for vertigo
The circles indicate where this horizontal fold is strongly attached to the skull. The fold becomes so tight that it pulls on the ears.

Skull - Side view
Spikes on the skull where the vertigo fold attaches
© Henry Gray
The skin has fastened itself to these bony spikes on each side of the head. When you turn your head, the skin can't follow and it pulls on the whole ear mechanism.

Your inner ear needs to be straight and in perfect balance to function properly.
This fold creates lots of tension in the back of your head.
It pulls on your auditory system, bends it and skews it.
As soon as you start grooming the area, you will feel the symptoms of vertigo slowly fade away.

2• Folded nerves at the major member junctions

Regional loss of sensitivity

Your movements cause the formation of deep and large folds at the body's main member junctions and at the waist.
When the cutaneous folds at an articulation cut too profoundly into the nerves beneath them, their grip can block the nervous transmission from entire members.
Folds in the skin around the shoulders, the hips, the waist, and all the other smaller joints on your body, can bend and entwine the nerves that pass under the skin and provoke a gradual loss of perception.

Major member junctions
Large folds at the major articulations may cut off the nervous transmission from entire sections of the body.

Symptoms may start a slight insensibility in the extremities, but the affected area will grow.
The folds responsible for this situation were caused by a repeated physical movement or position.
The people suffering from this condition will often have to stop doing those actions.
When the sensory contact is lost with the affected member, involuntary movements often occur.

The carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by folds in the hands

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition due to compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel. The main symptoms are pain, numbness, and tingling, in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the ring fingers.
Source: Wikipedia
The free encyclopedia

Use one hand to heal the other hand

Many people develop sensitive problems in their hands.
These conditions are usually caused by doing repetitive movements or holding cramped positions for extended periods.
I've suffered several times from the carpal tunnel syndrome because I did lots of cycling with no gloves.
I had a friend who got it because he played guitar too much.
Grooming the inside of your hands will bring back their normal sensitivity, but you'll have to reduce or temporarily stop doing the activity that caused the folding for a while or protect your hands in some way.

Curing carpal tunnel syndrome with human grooming
Find the most painful spots, then apply lots of pressure on the folds to crush them and open them up.

3• Local numbness and insensitivity

Calluses are mounds of folded skin that can easily be unfolded and removed by grooming the skin, not by scrubbing them with abrasives.

Calluses are simply mounds of folded skin

Some parts of your body, sometimes very small, may become gradually less sensitive.
Little stretches of skin harden and lose their sensibility because the tissue has become too folded, mostly at articulations.
The dead areas have unique shapes.
You can find out how folded an area is by passing your nail on it and mapping its sensitivity.

Insensitive zone on the thumb
Some areas on your fingers have lost some sensitivity because the skin is too folded.

Most people treat their hands, feet, elbows and knees incorrectly.
They have a presumptuous and careless attitude towards them and seem to take pride in not taking care of the skin of those areas.
Opening bottles with your bare hands, leaning your forearm for hours while manipulating a computer mouse, carrying heavy objects, ... these actions put a heavy toll on the skin in some places.
If gloves had been worn or if some measures were taken to protect the skin; less damage would have occurred.
The skin in the folded sections may become as hard and insensitive as wood.
Grooming the fold crossings, in the center of these unresponsive areas, will restore the sensitivity of the skin in no time.

Hypersensibility of the skin

It's not an itch; it's oversensitive skin

Hypersensibility or hypersensitivity of the skin can perhaps occur anywhere on your body, but it is mostly experienced at skin endings; the regions where the skin transforms itself into nails or into mucous membrane.
For some reason, the cutaneous folds in those places increase the sensitivity, instead of lowering it.
This can lead to an unbearable, intolerable, continuous itch-like feeling.

Other causes of skin hypersensibility

The skin of some locations may present some hypersensitivity that is due to external factors; such as contact and friction.
Your skin is not conceived to withstand the pressure and the continuous presence of:
Objects; such as clothes, hats, jewelry, watches, glasses, shoes, ...
Make-up, ...
Creams, lotions, masks, ...
Repeated hits, strikes, scrapes, ...
If your oversensitiveness comes from places where some objects or compounds can harm the skin; don't groom it.
Stop wearing or putting these things on your skin and let it rest for several weeks.

Hypersensibility on the lips, nipples and genitals

Those location are already overabundantly supplied with sensitive nerve endings.
The skin on your lips, nipples and genitals is a transition between your normal skin and mucus membrane inside the body.
Even if the skin of those areas doesn't look or feel like normal skin; it can be folded just as much.
The female and male genitals already feature naturally folded areas; start your unfolding work there, because the initial folds have deepened.
Here are some particularities:
• Hypersensibility of the lips around the mouth; the folds come from the chin and mustache areas, pass through the lips and keep on a bit inside the mouth.
• Hypersensibility of the lips of the female genital organs; the folds extend from the normal skin surrounding the genitals, pass through the labia and keep on a bit inside the vagina.
• Hypersensibility of the male penis; The bulk of the folds and of the over-sensitivity is concentrated on the glans of the penis, but large folds also extend along the shaft.

Special techniques to unfold hypersensitive skin

Situation: you can hardly touch an ultra-sensitive location on your body because the feeling is too intense.
So, when you try to press your nails into the area, the sensations overload and jolt your brain, and it can't process anything for a fraction of a second.
It becomes impossible to keep the nails pressed-in, even for one second because your nervous system's response is too strong.

Here's how to proceed:
• Use as many nails as you can fit on the surface you want to heal,
• Peck your skin with very short (one quarter of a second) pressure strokes,
• Find out how short each stroke has to be, and how much pressure you can apply, before you overwhelm your nervous system,
• While pecking your skin, be on the lookout for any hardened structures you encounter inside your skin (those are folds and their crossings) and use your nails to crush them,
• Do this for 5 minutes, then stop; you can repeat several times a day,
• Keep on doing this procedure for several months; you will feel that the oversensitivity is rapidly diminishing and that you can gradually lengthen your strokes and use normal grooming techniques,
• Depending on your age, it may take several years to eliminate the offending folds completely, but you will always feel some diminution of your oversensitivity,
• Your goal is to remove all the hardness in the skin.

Grooming your skin to restore sensitivity

Because so many insensibility and nervous problems are caused by folds in the skin, you can find the location of the blockage and use grooming techniques to free the nerves.
The following videos will introduce you to human grooming:

Human grooming rediscovered - Video
Grooming techniques to relieve pain, restore beauty, stop aging and more.

The pain is in the skin - Video
You can reach and eliminate your pain with your nails and fingertips.

Be careful, go slowly and test groom

More precautions and care must be taken when grooming the skin to restore sensitivity than in any other situation.
Grooming the affected areas may provoke unknown reactions.
Test-groom the regions for a few days before committing yourself to deeper work or exploration.
Be smart and go gradually.
Groom for short periods, several times a day, until the original sensibility is restored.

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