The vast majority of humans on this planet think themselves different or superior to any other lifeform.
Some believe that the other animals exist to serve or keep company to humans.
Many think that humans have a soul, but that animals do not.
Most humans see themselves as half-gods, possessing all the rights over the animal world.
You are an animal and nothing more.
You should not make a distinction between yourself and the other animal species.
Most humans are conceited and consider our race as superior to the others.
Your big brain only allows you to understand a very small portion of reality, it doesn't make you different or better.
On the contrary, of you use it to study the evolution of living species, you will only find sameness and oneness throughout all of life on earth.
What remains of nature that still surrounds us is not natural anymore.
Everything has been manipulated and modified by humans for millions of years now.
Still, most of the damage has been done in the last 10,000 years.
When we enjoy nature's beauty or activities, we can't appreciate them the way God intended us to because everything is tainted by human contact.
What remains are transformed plants and unnatural animals with modified behaviors.
Yet, wilderness is the normal state of nature.
For over ten thousand years, humans have been choosing the plants they prefer and growing them in place of the natural flora.
These plants have been grown selectively and hybridized to optimize some chosen characteristics and are now often very different from their original aspect.
For animals, domestication has started with the dog (about 17,000 years ago), then the sheep, then the pig, followed by the goat, the cat, the chicken, ..., the list is very long.
These animals have changed, you don't relate with them now the way nature intended.
Since we are now stuck with a modified version of nature, our understanding of our place on this planet is biased.
Feeding an animal has dramatic consequences.
You may be convinced that you are doing the right thing, but your help is detrimental to them.
Searching for food is the most fundamental activity for animals, and most spend the largest part of their day looking for something to eat.
This is natural.
It is also normal that this quest for food be more difficult at some times, even if some individuals die from it.
This is the way God wants it to be.
When you feed an animal, you remove it from the constraints of the laws of nature.
No wonder some become so friendly!
They think you're God, and this is to be expected because you are playing God.
Animals who have other animals to keep them company? You must be joking!
All animals are just like you, they enjoy being free.
Capturing animals and holding them captive are barbaric procedures from the past.
What right do you have to deprive another animal of its freedom?
We have chosen, raised and bred the most docile races and selected the most human friendly individuals. Dogs, for example, have become «man's best slave».
I feel sorry for pet owners, because I know they love their pets and nature in general, but enslaving an animal is cruel.
Even if you treat your pets well and you make their life wonderful, this doesn't compare one bit with being free.
If pets are bad, what can be said when they are used to amuse humans by doing stunts, tricks, trained performances, ...?
I'm sure the crowds are filled with nature lovers who find the animals clever, loveable, ...
But this is forced labor.
Not only are the animals detained, they are obliged to do hours of often strenuous labor.
When you see a captive animal, you should feel and share its pain, not marvel at its beauty, strength, skills, ...
Being able to observe wild animals in close proximity because you are separated by bars, glass or an obstacle is certainly interesting, informative and amusing.
Riding an animal is also an uplifting experience.
But the relationship you have with these animals is wrong; it is a master/slave arrangement.
Your attitude towards these animals is superior, arrogant and mean.
Many humans live isolated in their homes.
They have very few contacts with other humans.
In such situations, it is normal that a pet would bring them love, joy and keep them company.
But these relationships are unnatural and lopsided.
Shouldn't these people be giving this love and attention to other humans instead?
When we look at the state of our world, there seems to be a lack of sharing, closeness, involvement, ...
If you really love your pets, wouldn't you want them to be free?
At a time when one plant form out of five is scheduled for disappearance, and when several animal species go extinct everyday; fishing and hunting don't make sense anymore.
Also, the disproportion of force between the attacker and the attacked should make humans shameful of their actions.
What pride is there to kill a poor animal with a gun or to catch a fish with sophisticated lures?
Even if you eat the fish or meat that you kill, you have wonder if you couldn't feed yourself differently than by going out there and eliminating whatever wildlife remains.
Attributing human characteristics to animals.
Anthropomorphism started at least 50,000 years ago in human history.
Not only animals, but also plants, wind, fire, objects, ... and even gods can be pictured as being partly human.
We've all been exposed to anthropomorphism through;
•Tales for children,
•Comic strip characters,
•Stuffed animals, mascots, ...,
•Talking animals in commercials and films,
It is understandable that science would dismiss the simplistic examples mentioned above, but it goes overboard and declares that animals have no intentions or emotions at all.
Many scientists use this logic to justify the cruelest experiments.
However, it has been proven without a doubt that animals experience pain and fear.
Fortunately, studies on primates and apes are starting to change perceptions by showing the amazing similarities between their behavior and reactions and our own.
We all know that animals have emotions from our own individual experience when dealing with them.
We can see that the way they react to events and situations is very similar to ours.
We often witness exchanges within a group of animals where we can recognize personality traits in some individuals.
We are all familiar with the way pigeons, cats, dogs, flies, ... respond to our presence and we can relate with them easily.
Science is unable to explain life and it has no idea what emotions are all about because they cannot be studied scientifically.
The part of your brain that you call «intelligence» is not the one you use the most.
Your responses to heat, cold, sleepiness, hunger, thirst, sex, ... are mostly instinctive.
Fear, shame, anxiety, anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, ... control you much more than you control them.
It should be obvious to you that the other animals are constructed in the same manner as us.
Emotions and instinct are simply Gods way of directing our behavior.
It is easy to see that both the popular naive anthropomorphism and the scientific skepticism about it are out of line.
Giving animals too much humanity is as bad as denying them any personal will or feeling.
So, stay away from fiction that uses animal characters because it leads you away from their natural behavior and press for new ethics on experimenting with animals.
The correct manner to relate with animals is to;
•Treat them as equals,
•Try to put yourself in their place.
Remember that;
•Animals claim the same freedom that you do,
•Encounters between animals in nature are subjected to a «state of wilderness» that has been lost in our race and in animal species that are in contact with us.
•Consider yourself tainted by civilization; unable to understand nature anymore.
•Remember that our modern world has diverted us from the laws of nature so that you can't relate normally with other animals.
As a species, we humans have to compare ourselves with the other animal species.
Not so long ago (a few million years), we were the same.
Why did we evolve so differently?
Has our behavior really changed?
There is a lot you can learn about yourself and all humans by observing other animals.
Birds, fish, insects, ... have taken different evolutionary routes than ours.
Where they are now is the result of the combined individual decisions of their ancestors, just like us.
What kind of a life do you live if your members have become fins, feet, wings, hands, ...?
How is your existence when you have privileged other senses than humans have?
What do you think about the way they have sex?
What about their society?
Each human has to form a personal opinion about these things, so we can evolve in the best possible direction.
Nature is built around fragile ecosystems.
Our presence affects them very much.
Our planet won't survive if the greater part of it doesn't remain wild.
It is your duty to preserve whatever is left of nature by getting out of it.
I know your love of nature pushes you towards it, but stop and realize that you are the problem.
Leave whatever wilderness you encounter alone.
The only way to conserve what is left of the wilderness that is essential for the survival of this planet is to get humans out of it.
Humans who live inside or near the forest should understand that they have become the problem.
There are too many humans on earth, so that many people leave the cities to get closer to nature.
By doing this, they make it less and less wild.
Human contact corrupts the animals.
Our only choice now is to leave them completely to themselves.
All my life, I've met city-haters and nature-lovers who wanted to move to the countryside.
Our suburbs have extended unreasonably because of our use of artificial modes of transportation like the automobile.
Any new road is a catastrophe for all life in the area.
Now, there is no space left anymore for the animals.
I think the people moving out of the cities should;
•Check their social skills and their abilities to deal with others,
•Understand the limits of nature,
•Move back to the city,
•Work to make cities better places,
Our planet is doomed if it doesn't return to wilderness.
We have to create huge human-less zones and concentrate human activities in small, restricted territories as much as possible.
A big problem comes from the people visiting and living «in or near» the wild presently such as;
•Aboriginal people,
•People who have moved away from the cities,
•Lumberjacks and miners,
•Campers and trekkers,
•Sport enthusiasts,
•Nature lovers,
•People who use motorized vehicles, planes or boats,
•Scientists and researchers,
•Film and photo crews,
•Hunters and fishermen,
•Government employees and rangers,
They are the problem.
They are the worst nightmare for the animals.
•Don't go into any places where wilderness is still preservable, you're presence only worsens the situation.
•Don't ride on motor boats, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, ... or anything that disturbs animals and tramples nature.
•Don't go camping or trekking.
•If you meet a wild animal, leave it alone, go away.
•Don't own any pets.
•If you already have some, take good care of them until they die.
•Have them spayed or neutered.
•Don't buy stuffed, plastic, wooden, ... animals to your kids. They give them an unreal vision of nature from the start.
•Keep fiction involving animal characters away from your kids and yourself.
•Boycott any company that uses animals or animal characters in their publicity.
•Don't feed any animal. They have to rely on their own savvy to survive.
•Meat should represent less than 5% of your diet. The other great apes don't eat much.
•Demand that the living conditions of the animals you eat be made public.
•Work for a better treatment of animals raised to be killed later.
•We should not allow any experiments using animals. They are incredibly cruel.
•Collect any information and learn all you can on nature and animals.
•Boycott documentaries when the shooting has been done in the wild or when it disturbs the wildlife.
•Compare your own behavior with that of other animals, mostly primates and apes.